Physician Suicide Awareness Day

Physician Suicide Awareness Day

September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide rates in the United States increased more than 30% from 1999 to 2017. More than half (54%) of people who died by suicide did not...
Putting on My First White Coat

Putting on My First White Coat

White Coat Ceremony. This ceremony is a time of celebration that symbolizes the beginning. Many doctorate programs have white coat ceremonies which include dental and medical school. Each of these fields designate the white coat ceremony...
Thoughts of a Fat Physician

Thoughts of a Fat Physician

I’m fat. It’s fact. I’ve been fat for most of my life.  There really is not a time that I don’t remember being fat.  I was always heavier than girls in my classes in school. No matter how active I was I was always bigger.  As I got older my eating...