“Fashion Is Moving Too Fast, and It’s Killing Creativity,” says Veronique Hyland, in an article from TheCut.com where she talks about burnout in the fashion industry. As a former fashion designer turn physician, my curiosity was piqued. If you substituted the...
For the past five years, there has been a blank space in my CV where papers and publications should live. These years were an academic desert in my career; in sharp contrast to the family that has lovingly and painstakingly grown from two to four. I have a research...
It’s OK to want a life you like just for your own sake. I’m a firm believer that when you have your life right, it improves the experience of those with whom you interact. Your patients will notice. Your partner will appreciate it. Your kids will feel it....
The idea behind not only talking the talk but walking the walk: Daily I have conversations with patients on how to improve their medical conditions by implementing dietary modifications and routine exercise. I try my best to give patients the tools to succeed,...
We are trained to do this in our sleep. More than ten years out from my residency graduation, I look back at my training and reflect on why exactly it was so grueling and arduous. I remember the innumerable ICU and Trauma rotations, overnight calls and night...
Why medicine? I literally believe that I was born with the thought of being a doctor. As a kid, I’d ask my grandma to tell me stories about my mom when she was a little like me. She would always tell me that my mom wanted to be a doctor, a pilot and a wife with 5...
My name is Claudine Courey and I wear my white coat everyday as an optometrist from Montreal, Canada! As with many of you, I wear many other “coats” in life as a mother, spouse, daughter, friend, business owner, all while trying to keep it together! What I have...
September is Women in Medicine Month and as the month draws to an end I have been wondering what it means to be women in medicine today. Over 20 years ago, my medical school class was one of the first with a near 50% ratio of male to female students, and currently...
September is Women in Medicine Month. This past week, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) highlighted 2 papers which studied the #genderdisparities amongst pediatricians. These studies found important #genderdifferences regarding BOTH income and households....
September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide rates in the United States increased more than 30% from 1999 to 2017. More than half (54%) of people who died by suicide did not...