Winter is in the air, especially here in Chicago where I live. When winter and a new year roll around, I always feel a sense of renewal and rebirth. This is the perfect time to reevaluate where we are and what we, as women doctors, need now to succeed and thrive. I believe it comes down to just three words: Relax, Grow and Connect.

1. Relax 

First of all, it’s important we take time to relax and do some self-care. We’ve gone through some of the craziest years of our lives because of the pandemic, and we truly need a break. Many of us have been working harder than ever before: more hours and more shifts with fewer staff members to help. We’ve also been concerned about our own personal safety, and have been having difficult conversations with patients who are anti-vax. 

We’ve had a lot of things shift at home with our families – job changes, working and schooling from home, lack of childcare at times. We haven’t been going on many vacations or going out to have fun.

Many of us feel burnt out professionally. If that is you, know that you are not alone. In a 2022 Medscape report, 56% of women doctors stated they have burnout. That’s more than half of us. 

Burnout is an epidemic within medicine, and it’s been worsened by the pandemic. We absolutely need to take a break. We need to take some time to relax and recharge our batteries. 

2. Grow

To succeed and thrive, we need to take time to grow and update our skills. We need tools and support to combat burnout, and skills to learn how to enjoy the careers we worked hard to achieve. We need leadership development training. We need mentors.

Women make up 36% of practicing doctors in the country, but only 15% of women doctors are department chairs. Among women doctors who are also mothers, 78% felt gender discrimination. Moreover, a significant gender pay gap still exists in medicine where women doctors earn up to 33% less than their male counterparts.

Sister docs, it’s time we uplevel our skills because this is our century. One of my leadership mentors speaks about how the 21st century is the Century of Women. Women control $20 trillion of global spending power, $13 trillion of annual earnings, and control 60% of personal wealth. Women in the labor force are rising, while the employment rate of men is decreasing. 40% of married women out-earn their husbands, and 20% of families have stay-at-home dads. 

My mentor states the marketplace and the workplace must play to the strengths of women. This means this is our time to shine ladies!! That’s right. But to do so we may need to grow our skills. We need to uplevel our leadership skills, our emotional intelligence, and our confidence to go and ask for what we want. Consider which skills are needed to be able to develop into the leadership position we are capable of taking. 

3. Connect

Lastly, to succeed and thrive, we women doctors need to connect. We must end the isolation that leaves us feeling powerless and alone, a solitary woman in a male-dominated field of medicine. 

As JFK said, “A rising tide lifts all the boats,” so coming together we are stronger and we can lift one another up. We also need mentors, sponsors and coaches to help us open doors and shatter glass ceilings, along with our own limiting beliefs. We need to network and help one another rise up.

We created Women in White Coats because we realize the OLD BOYS CLUB of medicine is alive and well. We also needed to create a SISTERHOOD within medicine where women doctors are uplifting, supporting, and empowering one another. This is exactly what we aim to do at Women in White Coats through our courses, coaching, and conferences.

So if you are ready to succeed and thrive, implement these three steps of Relaxing, Growing, and Connecting. We also would LOVE to have you join our upcoming cohort of the Women in White Coats Physician Wellness and Empowerment Program, because this is exactly what we are going to do. 

This is a live and on-demand 12-week curated program to take time-squeezed women physicians from “burning out” to “burning bright” finally living the life and career you want.

Grow with One-On-One and Group Coaching

  • Group coaching is one of the most popular aspects of the program is our LIVE weekly group coaching session.
  • In addition, you’ll have access to confidential one-on-one coaching sessions with a certified Physician Life Coach.
  • Weekly masterclasses taught by Archana and Amber are waiting for you on-demand even after the 12 weeks are over!

We each experience burnout in our own way; this program will cater to YOUR needs and goals!

Connect and Grow with Like-Minded Women Doctors

Come connect and grow with fellow women doctors experiencing similar struggles and frustrations to yours!

Sister Doc, we want to see you there. Go to for all the details and to reserve your spot. This is meant to be an intimate group so the numbers are limited. 

Archana Shrestha, MD is a physician, life coach, speaker and entrepreneur in Chicago. She is the Cofounder and Chief Wellness Officer at Women in White Coats and co-author of “The Chronicles of Women in White Coats” book series. Learn more about her by going to She can be followed on Instagram @MightyMomMD

If you are ready to say goodbye to burnout and welcome confidence and balance into your life, join our free training where we cover 3 steps to help you kick overwhelm and exhaustion to the curb and live that confident and balanced life you deserve. Click here to enroll in our free training.