Whether you’re new or not to managing student loans, just thinking about it can be overwhelming. If this is you, then tune it to this week’s special episode as Dr. Archana Shrestha sits down with Certified Financial Planner® Lauryn Williams. In just half an hour,...
Two days ago I was sitting in class studying the synthesis of neurotransmitters. Today, I’m sitting on a flight to Jacksonville, Fl around my midterms thinking about how ungrateful I must be to be so heartbroken. Let me explain. I’m a first year medical student at St....
As a young girl, I loved to spend my Saturdays playing “school”. I would line my dolls and stuffed animals up on our back porch, and teach them all lessons using a play chalkboard and school supplies. I could play for hours. My mom was convinced I’d be a teacher when...
As luck would have it, I flew (figuratively speaking, of course) down the highway to work this afternoon while listening to the sweeping saga of Harry Potter. As you may know, not unlike the medical students we teach, no student enters the hallowed halls of Hogwarts...
We know we have lots of students and trainees looking for career advice on our Women In White Coats blog, so we decided to put together a Career Series to help you better understand what the different fields and specialties within healthcare are like. This week we...