Why medicine? I literally believe that I was born with the thought of being a doctor. As a kid, I’d ask my grandma to tell me stories about my mom when she was a little like me. She would always tell me that my mom wanted to be a doctor, a pilot and a wife with 5...
My name is Claudine Courey and I wear my white coat everyday as an optometrist from Montreal, Canada! As with many of you, I wear many other “coats” in life as a mother, spouse, daughter, friend, business owner, all while trying to keep it together! What I have...
September is Women in Medicine Month and as the month draws to an end I have been wondering what it means to be women in medicine today. Over 20 years ago, my medical school class was one of the first with a near 50% ratio of male to female students, and currently...
September is Women in Medicine Month. This past week, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) highlighted 2 papers which studied the #genderdisparities amongst pediatricians. These studies found important #genderdifferences regarding BOTH income and households....
In my chapter of The Chronicles of Women in White Coats, I touched on how the fear of becoming a statistic that supports the idea of the “July Effect” affected my ability to care for myself. For you who are starting out, you can learn from my experience and that of...
July 1st is here!! As an Academic General Pediatrician, I can’t believe that I will be meeting and working with new Pediatric interns this coming week! While it was bittersweet to say good-bye to our 3rd year residents moving onto fellowship or new jobs, I always look...