Welcome to the Women in White Coats Blog

Our blog is the voice of women in white coats. It is a movement all about women in white coats empowering one another. It is for women by women.
Going Back to School for an MBA 30 Years Later

Going Back to School for an MBA 30 Years Later

“Adult Ed is a Mother, but it’s also a Keeper!” — Dr. Lulu I recently graduated with a Master’s in Business Administration from University of Texas San Antonio ending my 27-month journey into the land of adult education. My heart is full of joy! No more staying up...

Putting on My First White Coat

Putting on My First White Coat

White Coat Ceremony. This ceremony is a time of celebration that symbolizes the beginning. Many doctorate programs have white coat ceremonies which include dental and medical school. Each of these fields designate the white coat ceremony...

Thoughts of a Fat Physician

Thoughts of a Fat Physician

I’m fat. It’s fact. I’ve been fat for most of my life.  There really is not a time that I don’t remember being fat.  I was always heavier than girls in my classes in school. No matter how active I was I was always bigger.  As I got older my eating...

Why I Like Being a 43-old Physician

Why I Like Being a 43-old Physician

"Are you the doctor?" was the most frequently asked question I received from patients in my new practice.  The 2nd most common question was "Are you old enough to be a doctor?", followed by the rather blunt question "How old are you?" I graduated from family...

Unbreakable: How I Survived Raising An Infant as a Resident and Single Mom

Unbreakable: How I Survived Raising An Infant as a Resident and Single Mom

“Oh, shit,” I said to myself as I sat on the toilet, pants down, grasping at a pink plastic stick between my legs. “I’m pregnant.” I stared at the baby blue “+” sign. There was no mistaking it. I didn’t have to wait the 60 seconds for those fateful intersecting lines...

Doctor Lulu Heads to the Capitol

Doctor Lulu Heads to the Capitol

So, I was minding my business doing school work at home last Monday, when I looked at my phone and noticed a message on Facebook messenger from a random gentleman that I had never heard of before. He introduced himself as Dr. Wilson Lam, a member of a group of doctors...

Advice for All Our New Physicians

Advice for All Our New Physicians

Dr. Natasha Sriraman along with other Women in White Coats gives new interns advice about how to be successful in residency.

Feeling Like an Imposter?

Feeling Like an Imposter?

Have you ever felt guilty in your successes, discounted praise, doubtful in your ability or just plain lucky but not “enough”? If you answered yes to any of these, you’ve probably experienced something called “imposter syndrome”. It’s something many of us in the...


