Dr Uzma Khan is an internal medical physician in California and a Women In White Coats Writers Fellow. In this episode she builds on her recent Women in White Coats Blog article “Burnout Reexamined: Before We Treat Physician Burnout, We Need to Know What...
“Oh wow! You’ve gained a lot of weight during the pandemic!” “When are you going to have a baby?” Now that COVID-19 restrictions have lessened, we can socialize again. The return of insensitive questions and comments are on the comeback as well. Do not be the...
There has been an epidemic of mental illness within the COVID 19 pandemic. Rates of depression, anxiety and burnout have sky rocketed and we physicians are not immune to the adverse mental health effects of the work we do. In fact we are in the perfect storm...
“I don’t have enough time!” This is the first thought that comes to mind when I feel overwhelmed. I have been there many times and I bet you have too. What does overwhelm look like for me? A full to-do list with patients and meetings back-to-back. A...
Dr. Li Huo is both an OB-GYN in California and a life coach. She wrote the Women In White Coats Blog article “What’s In a Name.” In this episode of the podcast she expands on her story of the meaning of her Chinese name, the...