Having difficulty discovering or understanding your purpose? Feeling behind because those around you seem to have known all along what path they were destined to take? Do you feel like what you want to do has too many challenges to overcome? On February 3rd, we...
In this episode, Dr. Julie Lindower interviews Hero of the Year Nominee, Dr. Natalie Stevens. Dr. Stevens shares how she got started in medicine, where she’s been and where she is now. Every sister doc’s career is unique, but Dr. Stevens shares that as long as you are...
How do you maintain balance in your professional life? That is the million-dollar question. The most important thing to understand and accept is that balance does not mean everything is always being handled equally at any one time. This acceptance was eye-opening for...
Hearing the word leader or leadership can be scary for some yet exciting for others. Some people have planned to take on leadership roles, yet others were thrown into it unexpectedly. I believe that everyone has been a leader at some point in their life whether...
Starting your own medical practice can seem like a daunting task. It can be scary to think of all the responsibilities and your financial livelihood falling on your shoulders. These are very valid and real concerns. But if you have the desire and vision, it is...